vineri, 24 februarie 2012

About our project

We are Terry and Geese, obviously another two KOF maniacs. Since the early days we had an idea about how a perfect KOF should be, but the main reason behind the creation of our blog was The King of Fighters XIII. It has unique animations, incredible movements, breathtacking special moves and a well balanced game system. It is easy to realize that the work of the KOF staff between episode 12 and 13 was overwhelming. They accomplished so much and our opinion is that the team created the best 2d fighting game ever.
Now just a few more steps forward must be made to achieve an ideal game, the KOF that we and certainly you always dreamed of. Since it seems that in the process of creating the last episode of the series the staff took into consideration the critics and fans reviews and observations, we established a set of rules which we believe to be essential for the game play and certain moves that need to be added from past episodes.
However this is not the end. More ideas and propositions will be added in the following period. It is our hope that this project reaches as many KOF FANatics as possible and, why not hope for the best, the SNK staff.
We are waiting for comments, opinions, ideas or any other kind of suggestions! Any logical idea coming from any of you will be put on the blog! Also we are waiting for your feedback regarding our ideas, so don’t be shy, comment on every post, send emails and so on! :) It is essential to say that we don’t consider our vision the only one, it is just a starting point! Our final desire is that this blog becomes a gathering place for fans that want and deserve an ideal KOF.
And one last thing, SNK proved once again that is capable of great things and that… the future (of the 2d games) is now!

T.B. & G.H. (Yes, it was a misunderstanding, it should have been snk).

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2 comentarii: on "About our project"

Anonim spunea...

For the KOFXLV, have the dream match from the Ash Saga, which includes every character.

Chizuru, Maki, KUSANAGI, Mukai, Adelheid, Ash, Shen Woo, Hinako, Kensou, Kyo, Iori, K', Terry, etc.

Ionutz spunea...

Thanks Hardy, I mentioned your comment in our last post. Let's see what others say about it! Please share with us any other opinions you may have!

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