Our thanks go to the SNK staff for improving the cancel system on such a high level! But in order to make another steep forward and satisfying more fans you should bring back the tag system, so well implemented in KOF 2003. It is a great alternative to the cancel system, presuming that you are using it in a limitative number of cases, which leads to new combos and finally it brings more variety in the gameplay.
3 comentarii: on "Golden Rule no. 4"
Strikers made a lot of KOF fans unhappy. I did not like them, it reminded me of Marvel vs Capcom and I wanted to KOF to just be 3v3. I personally don't want the tag or striker system.
I also do not like, because it becomes a mush combo, max they can make a help-strike as to 97
We are not suggesting the strikers system which was a bad idea indeed! Leaving aside the combo possibility we propose the tag system because gives you the chance of exchanging players during the fight (similar to tekken tag) However, as we mentioned in the presentation of the blog, our vision is not the only one, if same of you are against a certain idea we will remove it from the blog. Also we are waiting for your ideas. We thank you both for your comments and we are waiting for more opinions!
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