joi, 1 martie 2012

New Characters in KOF XIV

Considering the KOF tradition it is faire to presume that the next episode will be a dream edition. So it will be the best occasion to see same of our favorite characters redesigned and at their full potential. Under this topic we will present ideal versions of these fighters and as usual you can propose new ones or make suggestions. For now you can vote your favorite and if he/she is not on the list you can introduce the name here, as a comment.

Also we can’t ignore a certain trend that emerged in KOF 03, the guest fighters, chosen especially from the Fatal Fury series. In KOF 03 we had Gato and Grifon, in KOF XI it was Duck King’s turn, KOF XII had Rayden and XIII Rwa Ja. For the next title we suggest one of Kim’s sons, either of them and probably with same of their moves combined. See you soon!

Update: It looks like you have anticipated our intention! Hardy Huang just gave us his suggestions from the Ash Saga, which obviously will be in the center of the next dream mach. He gave as examples: Chizuru, Maki, KUSANAGI, Mukai, Adelheid, Ash, Shen Woo, Hinako, Kensou, Kyo, Iori, K', Terry.

Well, Chizuru and Maki certenly made an impression in 03 and I think we can adapt their style for Kagura, or why not, we can use the two of them with one or two common moves. Hardy do not forget rule no. 1 (no versions of the same characters) as long as we have Kyo we don’t need Kusanagi but we can use same of his moves for Kyo, if they are unique. We noted Hinako for you. Adelheid is mostly Rugal, again we must be careful about rule no.1, but if we came up with moves for them it would be nice to have another father and son in the game. We didn’t like Mukai that much but if others agree we will have him also. Most of the characters from the Ash Saga are present in KOF XIII which means we analized them in the Ch moves section.
So guys, what other opinions do you have?

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6 comentarii: on "New Characters in KOF XIV"

Goy spunea...

Why would the next game be a dream match?! We've had enough!

KOF 94/ KOF 95/ KOF 96/ KOF 97 - KOF 98 [DM]
KOF 99/ KOF 00/ KOF 01 -KOF 02 [DM]
KOF 03 - KOF NW [DM]

Get back to the three years rule!

Ionutz spunea...

Initially the dream match editions were between sagas (KOF 98, 02), KOF NW and XII were indeed dream matches but their purpose was to test new graphic engines for the series. With KOF XIII it seems that the Ash saga has ended so a dream match edition is a strong possibility. However, if XIV will begin a new chapter in the KOF chronology this doesn’t mean that we can’t have old characters back (Heidern, SaySyu, Eiji, Jhun etc.), it only means we won’t have Rugal. So, any favorite you would like to see in the next KOF?

aznpikachu215 spunea...

I still need the script of what this new KOF XLV would like. XLV would be like a collection of the Ash Saga. I included Kusanagi because his story would be a new personality. And Kyo and KUSANAGI have different styles.

Anonim spunea...

I was thinking and my opinion is including some new characters in KOF storyline like:

Yuki (NeoGeo Battle Colliseum)
Rock Howard (Garou Mark Of The Wolves)
Rosa (Kizuna Enconuter)
Duke or Alba Meira (KOF Maximum Impact) (Would be a very interesting characters)
Leonhalt Domador (Aggresors Of Dark Kombat)
Oni (Rage Of The Dragons)
Tsugumi Sendo (Wild Ambition Fatal Fury)
Nagase (KOF Maximum Impact)
Jacques or Song (Buriki One)
Hinako Tono (Original Of Buriki Girl Votation)
Angelica (Samurai Shodown Sen)
Nameless (KOF 2002)
Baedal (Orginal Of KOF 2000)
Duke Edawrds (Burning Fight)
G-Mantle (Cameos)
Neo & Geo (Like Chizuru And Maki) (SNK Quiz)

Anonim spunea...

I'm excited waiting Brian, Heavy D & Luck return anyway

Masteryoda spunea...

I would like to see the fusion of kyo and iori to create a kyori to be a boss and of course chizuru is very important

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