Note: Sie’s Ryuu Touda and same of Kyo’s combos should have a more sensitive imput, similar to Iori’s 127 Shiki Aoibana. Part of the problem is that you have to repeat the imput three times and also change the action button, while in Iori’s case you stick to the same one. We realize that this could act different on other type of controllers but it should be easy for everybody regardless of the controller they are using.
Note 2: Sie’s Shinryuu Seioushou DM is a mess and it should be taken care of! First of all, as mentioned in Rule no. 9, the lighting effect is covering the entire move! Remove it or make it smaller, the same goes for his special move. Secondly in order to hit your opponent you have to be glued to him. If you are only one step away from him you will not succeed! If changing the entire DM is too much, we urge you to fix its problems!
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